Energize Your Mornings By Adding Caffeine to Your Meal Prepped Breakfast Routine


For many, the day doesn't truly begin until that first cup of coffee is savored. The aroma, the warmth, and the caffeine kick all combine to create a ritual that jumpstarts the morning. But have you ever considered incorporating coffee directly into your meal prepped breakfast? By combining these two morning essentials, you can create a breakfast experience that not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides a powerful boost of energy to tackle the day ahead. Let's explore how you can seamlessly integrate coffee or tea into your meal prepped breakfast routine.

But first…coffee!

1. Caffeine-Infused Oats

Elevate your classic overnight oats by infusing them with the rich flavors of coffee or tea. Begin by preparing your favorite batch of overnight oats using rolled oats and your preferred milk. Allow the oats to soak overnight, absorbing both the creamy milk and the bold coffee/tea essence. Some of my current favourites include…

In the morning, top with fresh fruit, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of cocoa powder for a delectable caffeine-infused breakfast delight.

2. Caffeinated Smoothie

Start your morning with a refreshing kick by making a caffeinated smoothie! Blend together your favorite fruits, a splash of milk or a dairy-free alternative, a shot of espresso or some cold brew coffee, and a touch of sweetener if desired. The result is a delicious and energizing breakfast option that combines the goodness of a smoothie with the extra boost of caffeine to help you tackle the day ahead.

The coffee kick in this breakfast bowl will not only awaken your taste buds but also provide that necessary burst of energy. Bonus: freeze leftover coffee into ice cubes to keep it nice & cold throughout that busy morning!

3. Coffee-Flavored Chia Seed Pudding

Take your chia seed pudding to the next level by infusing it with coffee flavor. Prepare your chia seed pudding base by mixing chia seeds with milk and a touch of sweetener. Allow the pudding to set in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, top with fruits, granola and a dollop of Greek yogurt for a creamy and textured coffee-infused breakfast.

Sending you a whole latte of love!

Adding coffee to your meal prepped breakfast routine can take your morning experience to a whole new level. Whether you opt for the rich flavor in your oats, the caffeine kick in your smoothies, or the aromatic essence in your chia seed pudding, incorporating coffee can enhance not only the taste but also the energy-boosting benefits of your breakfast. Embrace the synergy of these two morning staples and give your day a powerful start that leaves you energized and ready to conquer whatever lies ahead.

Laura Nguyen