5 Ingredients To Try This Thanksgiving Weekend


Thanksgiving weekend is just around the corner, and it's time to gather around the table and celebrate with a delicious feast. Family thanksgiving, friendsgiving or just a quiet weekend at home can be fun time to celebrate autumn’s wide array of flavors.

Whether you're sticking to tradition or looking to add a modern twist to your meals, let these ingredients be your culinary companions for a delightful holiday spread.

Let’s get cooking!


Apples are one of the most beloved and versatile fruits in the world. Known for their crisp texture, sweet and tart flavour profiles and a wide range of colors, you can enjoy apples at every meal of the day:

2. Brussel Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are bite-sized cruciferous vegetables that often find their way onto dinner plates as a side dish or ingredient in various recipes. You can also buy them fresh from the stalk (all the more fun)!

3. Potatoes & Winter Squash

Winter squash and root vegetables are a diverse bunch. They can that add depth and richness to a wide range of culinary creations. Coming in various shapes, sizes, and colors, from the elongated zucchini to the bulbous butternut, squash offers can offer both sweet and savoury delights, while root vegetables, yummy thickness each and every creation.Here’s how to make these vegetables all the more exciting to eat:

4. Mushroom

Beyond their culinary appeal, mushrooms offer unique textures and can provide a rich umami flavor to dishes. Whether enjoyed as a meat substitute for vegetarians or simply for their distinct taste and textures, mushrooms are a delightful addition to any type of festive meal. Mushrooms make the base for perfect side dishes such as…

5. Fennel

If you know me personally, you’ll know that I’m obsessed with fennel. Fennel is a crisp and aromatic vegetable that boasts a distinct licorice-like flavor, making it all the more unique. This bulbous plant is highly versatile, with its white, celery-like stalks and feathery green fronds all being edible. Try it cooked or raw, this is one heck of a vegetable to give a try!

What better fall vibe than fall recipes?

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