5 Creative Ways to Cook Using Leftover Fruits and Vegetables


One of the most common areas where food tends to go to waste is in the form of leftover fruits and vegetables as they don’t always last as long in the fridge. Instead of tossing them out, why not get creative in the kitchen before your next grocery run? Reducing food waste is not only an environmentally responsible practice, it’s also a great way to save money! In this article, we'll explore five innovative ways to cook using leftover fruits and vegetables, by transforming them into delicious dishes that are not only tasty and nutritious, but also sustainable.

Let’s get cooking!

1. Stir-Fry, Stew or Soup

Leftover vegetables can find new life in a colorful and vibrant stir-fry, stew or soup. It all starts by sautéing onions, garlic, and your leftover veggies in a hot pan with a bit of oil. I’m a sucker for Asian flavors so I love using the basics of soy sauce, garlic, spring onions, ginger, and a touch of sweetener for a harmonious blend of flavors. Serve this dish over rice or noodles for a complete and satisfying meal.

Some of my go-to recipes include…

2. Smoothies

Don't let those overripe fruits and unused veggies go to waste – blend them into nutrient-packed smoothies! Fresh fruit such as bananas, berries, or citrus fruits make the base for a balanced and refreshing drink. Also, spinach, kale, carrots, and even cauliflower peppers can be seamlessly incorporated into smoothies without compromising on taste.

My holy grail:

3. Omelette

Give your breakfast routine a boost by turning leftover vegetables into a flavorful garden omelette. Chop up your leftover vegetables, such as bell peppers, tomatoes, spinach, and onions, and sauté them in a pan until slightly tender. From fresh eggs to a tofu scamble, this breakfast idea not only reduces food waste but can also provide a nutritious start to your day.

Choose your base of preference such as…

4. Pasta or Pizza

Leftover roasted vegetables can become the star ingredient in a hearty Italian dish. The roasted vegetables will lend a rich depth of flavor to the dish, making it a satisfying and wholesome meal.

This can look like…

5. Fruit-Infused Water and Tea

Finally, leftover fruits can add a burst of natural flavor to your hydration routine. Create your own fruit-infused water or tea by placing sliced fruits like citrus, berries, and melon into a pitcher of water. Let the flavors infuse for a few hours in the refrigerator, and you'll have a refreshing and revitalizing drink without the need for added sugars or artificial flavors. You can even freeze leftover fruits and use them as flavorful ice cubes in your drinks. This is an excellent way to stay hydrated while minimizing food waste!

Remember: the key is in always keeping things nice and colourful!

Cooking with leftover fruits and vegetables not only helps to reduce food waste, but also sparks culinary creativity. Kitchen skills can be improved over time! Making use of leftover goods means that no produce goes to waste, and you also get the satisfaction of a nice balanced meal! By experimenting with these ideas, you'll not only enjoy tasty meals, but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly kitchen.

How do you like to reuse leftover produce?

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