3 Grocery Hacks to Make the Most of Your Produce


In a world where food prices are at an all-time high and reducing one’s carbon footprint are an area of concern, finding ways to help reduce food waste can be a meaningful first step. Making the most of your produce can not only help to save money, but it can also contribute to living a more sustainable lifestyle. With a little creativity and some simple hacks, you can transform your fresh ingredients into delicious meals all the while reducing your overall waste.

Here are 3 shopping tricks to keep in mind this week.

1. 🍓 Mix Fresh Fruit with Crate/Frozen Fruit

Fresh fruit is a delight, but it can sometimes be challenging to consume it all throughout the week before it starts to spoil. Take a crate of fresh berries for example — the quantity is so small, it may only last you a meal or two.

One way I’ve been enjoying extending the life of my fruit is by combining it with either a fruit from a crate or some frozen fruit. Mixing frozen/crate fruit with fresh varieties can not only stretch your supply, but it also adds a delightful texture element to your dishes!

Take a crate of fresh berries for example — the quantity can sometimes be so small, it may only last you a meal or two. When combined with another more durable fruit, such as sliced oranges, pineapple or apples, you can whip yourself up a delicious fruit salad (…and not to mention, berries for a few more meals!).

2. 🥬 Mix Fresh Greens with Leafy Greens from a Crate

Similarly, leafy greens are kitchen staples that can elevate the flavor and nutritional quality of any type of dish. However, they are also notorious for wilting quickly if not used promptly. To make the most of these ingredients and to prevent them from going to waste, consider combining them more strategically.

For instance, when you decide to purchase a bundle of fresh greens such as cilantro, parsley or a head of kale, consider also purchasing a crate of leafy greens such as spinach, mixed greens or lettuce to eventually mix together. This not only infuses your greens with vibrant flavors, but it also helps to add more abundance in your weekly consumption of greens. Additionally, mixing & matching leafy greens can help to add nutritional value and complexity to your salads, soups, and stir-fries.

3. 🍗 Buy Meat/Fish in Bulk Then Freeze for Later

Finally, the centerpiece of every meal: protein. Buying meat or fish in bulk can not only help to save money, but it can also provides you with a convenient supply of protein for future meals. When purchasing meat or fish in bulk, consider portioning them into meal-sized servings before freezing.

However, it's essential to store these perishable items properly to prevent spoilage and maintain their quality. To thaw frozen meat or fish safely, transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator the night before you plan to use it. Alternatively, you can thaw it more quickly by defrosting it in the microwave (Note: avoid thawing meat or fish at room temperature, as this can promote bacterial growth and compromise food safety!)

By buying meat or fish in bulk and freezing them for later use, you can take advantage of bulk discounts, reduce trips to the grocery store, and minimize food waste. With proper planning and storage techniques, you can enjoy delicious, protein-rich meals whenever you need them, all while maximizing the value of your purchases.

Shop smart and get a bang for your buck!

Making the most of your produce requires a combination of creativity, planning, and smart storage techniques. By incorporating these three hacks into your culinary routine, you can reduce waste, save money, and savor the flavors of fresh ingredients for longer.

What are your favourite tricks to save up on groceries?

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