Why You Should Add Yogurt to Your Winter Meals & Snacks


During those long winter months, our bodies crave comforting and nourishing foods to stay energized and healthy. One food in particular that I find provides both versatility and a nutritious addition is plain yogurt ─ which unfortunately always seem to be left to waste in your fridge. Say no more! As the wintertime sets in, there's simply no better time to enhance the nutritional value and flavor of your snacks and meals by incorporating this nutritious food! In this article, we’ll explore why you should consider using yogurt more often in your winter meals & snacks.

Let’s go(gurt!)

It’s very nutritious!

Yogurt is a nutrient-dense food, packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is commonly known for being an excellent source of calcium, a mineral that is crucial for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Additionally, yogurt contains protein, a macronutrient that helps keep you feeling full and satisfied after eating a meal or a snack. Including yogurt in your winter snacks will not only help satisfy you, but it can also ensure that you are getting a healthy dose of essential nutrients to support your overall well-being.

It’s great for your gut health.

Winter is notorious for its flu and cold season, making it crucial to prioritize our immune health. Yogurt can be a rich source of probiotics*, the beneficial bacteria that helps to support a healthy gut microbiome. A robust gut microbiome, in turn, plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy immune system to better fight off infection.

*Be sure to select a yogurt that contains live active probiotic cultures such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

It can keep you hydrated.

In the winter, the dry and cold air can lead to dehydration, which might go unnoticed. Incorporating yogurt into your snacks can be a subtle way to also stay properly hydrated (yes, the foods we eat should also be taken into account in our daily hydration needs!). For instance, it can be combined with seasonal fruits, nuts, and even a drizzle of honey to create a hydrating and flavorful snack. Let yogurt provide you with essential fluids for a refreshing and revitalizing boost during the winter blues.

Don’t let your yogurt go to waste!

Here are some of my favourite snacks and meals using yogurt as a bone building protein rich ingredient:




Whether you're adding it to a bowl of fresh fruits, mixing it into savory dips, or incorporating it into your favorite winter soups, yogurt seamlessly elevates the taste and texture of a wide array of dishes. Experiment with yogurt in your snacks and meals to discover new and delicious flavor combinations.

What are your favourite ways to eat more yogurt?


Laura NguyenComment